Simplify Cleaning: DIY Solutions for a Cluttered Market

  • Posted on Nov. 7, 2023
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Wandering through a store's cleaning products can feel daunting with endless options, each product boasting an extensive ingredient list, creating more confusion than clarity. Instead of navigating this labyrinth, consider crafting your cleaning solutions. It’s simpler than you think and offers transparency in ingredients. 

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With just a few basic items, you can create various cleaning products – like all-purpose cleaners, laundry detergents, and glass cleaners. Keep these essential items on hand for effective DIY cleaning.

Safety Precautions for DIY Cleaning Supplies

Creating your cleaning solutions requires caution and professional guidance for a safe process. It's crucial to never mix ammonia-based cleaners with chlorine bleach or any bleach-containing products, as this concoction emits harmful fumes, potentially leading to coughing, nausea, and respiratory issues, as detailed by the Washington Department of Health.

Label all DIY cleaner bottles with ingredients used and dilution information. This practice not only aids in identification but also ensures preparedness if accidentally accessed by children or pets, preventing unintended ingestion. For safety, seek guidance from cleaning experts to navigate this process securely

Essential Ingredients for DIY Cleaning Solutions

Baking Soda

Beyond its deodorizing qualities, this kitchen essential is versatile, serving in laundry detergent, and stain removers, and effectively eliminating grime from sinks, showers, and ovens.

White Vinegar

Not just for salads, white vinegar plays a pivotal role in all-purpose and floor cleaners, cutting through grease to leave surfaces gleaming. However, avoid using it on natural stone, cast iron, stainless steel, or unfinished wood due to its acidic nature.


Containing effective grime-cutting acid, lemons are an excellent alternative to white vinegar in various cleaners. Their addition infuses a fresh citrus scent, ideal for all-purpose, floor, and brass cleaners.

Olive Oil

Beyond the kitchen, olive oil's prowess extends to dish soap creation, wood cleaning, and restoring shine to stainless steel appliances and leather items, making it a valuable cleaning ally

Rubbing Alcohol

Valued for its disinfecting properties, this item, when mixed with water, serves as a versatile cleaner for various household surfaces. However, avoid using it on leather and wood. Also, you can create hand sanitizer by blending it with aloe vera or employ it in glass and tile cleaners.

Dish Soap

While the earlier-mentioned products can create DIY dish soap, store-bought dish soap remains a versatile ingredient. Mix it with water and liquid chlorine bleach for a potent stain remover, or add a few drops to warm water for an efficient marble cleaner.


Often overlooked, cornstarch becomes a valuable asset in your cleaning routine. It proves effective in scrubbing tubs, cleaning glass, stain removal, and polishing silver, offering a new dimension to your cleaning repertoire


Beyond its typical use, bottom-shelf vodka emerges as a versatile cleaner. Blended with water, it serves as a linen spray, deodorizer, and glass cleaner. Alone, it effectively disinfects mattresses, shines chrome hardware, and eradicates soap scum and grease. Elevate your DIY products by adding a few drops of essential oils for a personalized touch.

Soap Nuts

These natural soap-producing berries contain saponin, suitable for homemade laundry detergent and dishwashing liquid, offering eco-friendly cleaning products.

Castile Soap

Originating from Spain, typically from olive oil and sodium carbonate, castile soap is a multi-purpose cleaning agent suitable for making various products. However, ensure the soap contains a significant amount of olive oil, despite being labeled as "castile."

Essential Oils

While not mandatory, essential oils greatly enhance the cleaning experience. Scents like lavender, peppermint, lemon, eucalyptus, and pine impart a fresh aroma, adding a calming effect, particularly useful when dealing with strong-smelling ingredients like white vinegar, rubbing alcohol, and vodka.

Spray Bottles

Spray bottles are indispensable for combining your DIY cleaning supplies. Simply pour the ingredients, shake well, and spray onto surfaces or fabrics. Opt for glass bottles for eco-friendliness and durability. Properly labeling each bottle prevents confusion between different homemade cleaning mixtures, ensuring easy identification and usage.

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