Air Conditioning Duct Cleaning. A Step-By-Step Guide

  • Posted on Nov. 7, 2023
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The air conditioner is very useful in hot weather, as it creates a comfortable indoor microclimate. However, like any other technical device, the split system requires regular maintenance, which includes removing contaminants from all main components. Cleaning the device is a necessary condition to maintain its performance and safety of use.

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Consequences of Untimely Air Conditioner Cleaning

Untimely air conditioning duct cleaning leads to such undesirable consequences as:

  • Reduced functionality of the air cooling device due to clogged filters;
  • Deterioration of heat exchange between the air and the evaporator, which increases the load on the compressor located in the external unit, leading to its rapid wear;
  • Reproduction of dust mites, bacteria, fungi, mold, and pathogens that can cause serious illness in humans, which is facilitated by the increased humidity of the evaporator in combination with dust deposits on the filters;
  • The appearance of an unpleasant specific odor in the room due to a clogged drainage system and stagnant condensation in the storage box.

Thus, regular air conditioning duct cleaning is very important. If it is not carried out, the performance of the device is significantly reduced and the person runs the risk of serious health problems.

How Often Should I Clean My Air Conditioner?

It is recommended to clean the indoor unit of the conditioner every 2-4 weeks. Then the air filters will not become clogged with dirt and dust, and the device will effectively cool the air in the room. The outdoor unit of the split system should be serviced once or twice a year.

Instructions to Follow

Air conditioner cleaning can be conditionally divided into two parts: external and internal. Internal cleaning requires more time and effort, as involves removing the top cover to clean the filters and blinds. HVAC services can be very helpful in this case. But if you want to do the cleaning yourself, follow the 5 steps described below.

Step 1

First of all, you need to remove the top part of the device. Then carefully remove the clogged filter located in front of the front panel. There are usually no difficulties with this. All you have to do is to lift it up by the bottom.

Step 2

Rinse the filter thoroughly under running water. Let it dry.

Step 3

Turn on the device in fan (recirculation) mode. This will provide better cleaning. Use air conditioning cleaner. Spray the bottle within the tolerance (located near the air intake area). The product processes the working area of the air conditioner for 10-15 minutes, creating a special protective film. 

Step 4

Wipe the air conditioner blinds with a damp cloth. If you find this cleaning method not very effective, you can remove them and wash under warm water.

Step 5

Reinstall the air filter in its original place. Put back and close the front cover of the air conditioner.

Cleaning of the External Unit

The heat exchanger of the external unit of the device becomes clogged with dirt, dust, and all kinds of debris over time. To prevent the compressor from overheating, do the following:

  • Remove the protective cover to clean the outdoor unit successfully;
  • Rinse it thoroughly. It is best to use running water;
  • Call HVAC services professionals to thoroughly clean the air conditioner and analyze possible errors.

Concluding Remarks

Therefore, an air conditioner is an indispensable device in every home, apartment, and office. It is difficult to imagine modern life without this device, especially in hot weather. But, like any other equipment, an air conditioner requires careful maintenance to keep the indoor air clean and safe.

You can try to perform air conditioning duct cleaning yourself. But you may encounter difficulties without experience, special knowledge, and skills. So, it is better to entrust the work to specialists by ordering HVAC services. Compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards will ensure proper operation of the device for a long time.


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