Making the Choice: Buying or Renting a Pressure Washer for Home Improvement

  • Posted on Nov. 7, 2023
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A pressure wash is an invaluable asset for maintaining the cleanliness of exterior surfaces. While professionals are available for hire, considering the purchase or rental of a pressure washer offers a cost-effective option for DIY enthusiasts.

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Understanding Pressure Washing

Pressure washing, often likened to power washing, employs a high-pressure stream of cold water to effectively remove dirt and residues. In contrast, power washing introduces heat, generating wet steam to combat oil and stubborn grime. Both methods allow for the inclusion of cleansers to achieve optimal cleaning outcomes.

When and How to Utilize a Device

Ideal for tackling dirt, mold, and other buildups, a pressure washer is highly efficient in cleaning surfaces such as sidewalks, wood decks, concrete paths, and a home's exterior, when a usual cleaning product doesn't work. Available in both electric and gas-powered models, washers cater to various procedures.

Buying It by Yourself 

Should the need for this device arise more than once a season, investing in a personal unit might prove economically sound. A simple calculation involves dividing the purchase price by the anticipated annual usage. If this figure is lower than the cost of rentals, owning a pressure washer could be a prudent choice.

However, there are both pros and cons of owning a washer. 


The primary advantage of owning a pressure washer is the convenience it offers. Accessible whenever required, it can be employed for large annual projects or quick, small-scale clean-ups. Despite occasional use, it is likely to pay for itself after just a few uses.


One major downside is the need for a large storage space. Some compact models may be a solution, but even they require space in your garage or shed. Additionally, investing in a specific model implies potential obsolescence as technology evolves.

It's worth considering that pressure washers may require servicing at some point, especially if the model becomes outdated. Ensure the unit comes with a warranty to mitigate potential issues.

Buying the Device: How Much Does It Cost?

The price depends mostly on the brand, the model generation, and power type:  electric units cost around $100-$400, while gas-powered units are more expensive –from $300 to $600. There are commercial-grade options that can cost significantly more, but the average homeowner will find affordable models in the market.

When to Opt For Rental

For infrequent use, rent services might offer a more budget-friendly solution. Consider the cost per use to determine the most cost-effective approach. Beyond costs, renting alleviates storage concerns and often provides access to high-quality equipment that might be unaffordable for personal purchases.


Sure, the primary advantage is cost savings. Paying for a washer only when you need it may save a lot of money. Irrespective of the model you might consider purchasing, renting a pressure washer will undoubtedly save you money. Furthermore, you can avoid storage challenges, freeing up space in your garage or shed.

Cons of Renting a Pressure Washer

Transporting the rental equipment could prove challenging due to its weight. While rental timeframes are typically adequate, they might not align perfectly with your project timelines. Weather conditions also play a significant role. Delayed projects due to weather might eat into your rental period.

Another consideration is the hassle of picking up and returning the equipment within the rental time frame. In urban areas, this might not pose a problem, but in more remote locations, transportation time might exceed actual usage time.

Cost of Pressure Washer Rental

Renting a pressure washer typically ranges between $40 and $100 per day. Consider additional expenses such as transportation costs for picking up and dropping off the equipment, including gas and tolls. Factoring in these expenses ensures a comprehensive assessment of the true cost of the rental.

Hiring a Professional

While pressure washing can be a DIY task once you're acquainted with it, hiring a professional might be a better choice. An experienced pro can complete the job far more efficiently, especially in less time compared to someone new to pressure washing. Although it might incur higher costs, professional services guarantee a job well done.

Not all surfaces are suitable for pressure washing. If you have uncertainties about which surfaces can endure pressure washing, seeking advice from a professional is advisable. Whether by hiring a professional or choosing to purchase or rent a pressure washer yourself, consulting an expert will ensure appropriate care for your surfaces.

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