Tree Root Removal: What Should You Know About Costs and Procedure

  • Posted on Nov. 7, 2023
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Tree roots play a crucial role in a tree's life, yet they can sometimes pose challenges within your yard. These roots have a knack for encroaching on home foundations and driveways, prompting the need for tree removal. Fortunately, extracting troublesome roots is often a more cost-effective and manageable solution compared to removing the entire tree.

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Why Might You Need It?

Tree roots may be an obstacle for various outdoor projects like building watering systems, erecting swimming pools, or laying electrical conduits. Additionally, removing these roots can make stump removal a more straightforward process, as it facilitates the extraction of the entire stump. In certain communities where tree removal is restricted, root dismissal serves as a compromise.

When Is the High Time for Root Dismissal?

It's worth noting that a tree's root system can constitute up to two-thirds of its total biomass. This means that roots are as vital as leaves, bark, and stems. Consequently, removing tree roots should be considered a last resort. When you do decide to proceed, it's essential to cut them as far from the tree as possible to minimize potential harm.

Tree service becomes imperative when the roots jeopardize your home or property. Professionals may also recommend removing tree roots when repairing a cracked house foundation or a damaged sewer line. Cracked patios, broken walkways, or driveways typically necessitate root removal, although it's usually not an emergency. It's best to undertake root removal when the soil is dry and not frozen.

Average Costs

The cost of tree root removal can vary. If you choose to handle it yourself and already possess most of the necessary tools, it can be relatively affordable. Corded reciprocating saws, for instance, start at around $100. A grub hoe, which is helpful but not mandatory, costs between $50 and $70. Alternatively, you can use a garden hoe or pickaxe. For more extensive root removal, typically part of a stump removal project, you may spend anywhere from $300 to $1000, with the average cost hovering around $550.

How Does the Root Removal Proceed

The procedure involves several essential steps. While some responsibilities may be taken by the houseowner, some steps require professional equipment. Here is where to start:

  1. Mark for Utilities: Contact your local utility marking service, which will send a technician to mark the ground for essential services such as water, sewer, plumbing, and electrical.
  2. Trace the Root: Trace the root back from the tree to the farthest point away from the tree that can be cut. Avoid cutting too close to the tree if cutting farther out achieves the same goal.
  3. Remove Obstructions: Clear away rocks, limbs, turf, and other obstructions by hand from the root area.
  4. Dig Around the Root: Utilize a shovel to excavate around and beneath the tree root.
  5. Lift the Root: Elevate the root from the ground, propping it up with scrap wood if necessary. Ensure the cutting area remains clear and refrain from cutting into the soil.
  6. Cut the Root: Employ a hand saw, reciprocating saw, or lopping shears to cut the root. For roots up to 3 to 4 inches in diameter, a reciprocating saw is recommended. Longer saw blades up to 12 inches are available, but they can become unstable when cutting roots.
  7. Remove the Root: Use a grubbing hoe to dig out the cut roots and dispose of them.
  8. Follow Up With Aftercare: After safely removing the roots, clear the area of debris and any leftover wood. Depending on the extent of the root removal, you may need to add topsoil and grass seed, and mulch can also be a suitable ground cover option for a polished look.

Who to Hire

When it comes to addressing the tree service near me, finding the right professionals is crucial. Most areas lack specialized tree root removal services, but there are various experts you can turn to for assistance, including removal or landscaping services, Arborists (experts in tree care), or certified Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) professionals. 

It's important to consult with these experts to ensure that tree root removal is carried out effectively and with minimal impact on the tree and surrounding landscape. Keep in mind that costs may vary based on location and the extent of the root removal required. Always inquire about pricing and the specific services offered by these professionals before making a decision.

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