Looking For The Window Glass Replacement Contractor: Which Factors to Consider?

  • Posted on Nov. 7, 2023
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You've got cracks and chips on your window, or simply want to reduce energy costs with more effective glazing? The good news is that if your frames and casings are in good condition and the windows aren't deteriorating, window glass replacement is a cheaper solution. Still, to ensure work of a high quality, you should find really good contractors. 

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Look for Companies in Your Area

Searching for a reliable window glass replacement near me, investigate all possible sources: 

  1. Look through the Better Business Bureau (BBB): it is a valuable website for finding qualified and trustworthy window repair contractors. You can find ratings for both accredited and non-accredited businesses, along with contact information and details about complaints and resolutions. 
  2. Ask people you know personally: Recommendations from people you know and trust are often the most reliable. Ask friends, family, neighbors, local businesses you visit, your handyman, or realtors for referrals. These referrals are typically unbiased and based on personal experiences.
  3. Delve into online reviews: Once you have a list of recommended contractors, research them online by typing their names followed by "reviews" into Google. 

Next, combine the information you've got to create a list of potential contractors. The next step is open communication and agreements with the company. 

Decide Whether You Can Complete It On Your Own

When it comes to repairing window glass, DIY might seem like a cheap and easy-to-make idea. 

However, in reality, the task can be more complex than it appears. While replacing glass on single-pane or some double-pane windows is manageable for DIY enthusiasts, modern constructions can be challenging for amateurs. To avoid overpaying in the case of failure, it is better to entrust the job to a professional. 

How to Hire Professionals 

After you find some companies suitable for your project, it is time to make a final decision.

  1. Talk to several contractors: Avoid the temptation of choosing the first contractor with the lowest estimate. Meet at least three companies to discuss the project and compare window glass replacement cost, as well as job terms.
  2. Ensure they are licensed: It's vital to work with a licensed contractor to ensure they possess the necessary qualifications. Request their license number and verify it on your state's website. Additionally, ask for an insurance certificate that covers property damage and a bond in case subcontractors go unpaid.
  3. Make sure the agreement is fair: Before signing a contract, ensure that the contractor outlines all financial aspects in the agreement. This includes the total project and materials price, the schedule, and the details about the down payment. 

Additionally, never make the full prepay or even a 50% deposit. Fair contractors usually demand 10-20% of the cost in advance. 

10 Questions To Ask Your Contractor

As an amateur in window glass replacement, you may forget some essential aspects to ask. Before it's too late and the contract is signed, remember these factors to clarify: 

  1. Can you determine if my windows can be repaired, or is replacement necessary?
  2. What's the cost comparison between repairing and replacing my windows?
  3. Which window or glass types do you recommend based on my home and budget?
  4. How many years of experience do you have?
  5. Can you provide your license and an insurance certificate?
  6. What's the estimated timeframe for the full project?
  7. Does the window repair come with the standard 10-year warranty?
  8. Could you provide the customer references for me to contact?
  9. What are your rules for screening and working with subcontractors?
  10. Will you be present throughout the entire project and control the process?

Asking questions and even demanding documentation is a normal part of the process, and a fair contractor will openly communicate with the customer.  


What costs to be prepared for? 

The average window glass replacement cost varies from $150 to $400, with a national average of $275. However, singlet planed windows are much cheaper since they require less work. Add to this the working labor expenses and the additional outgoings on materials. 

How to understand, whether I need a replacement or repair is enough?

Repairing foggy windows, warped panels, or chipped glass is feasible by replacing the glass. However, issues like damaged casings, water leakage, rot, or broken frames often necessitate a full window replacement.

What can I economize on?

Choose the options among cost-efficient window types. For example, you can install a single-pane window instead of a double one.

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