Cellulite: What Is It And How To Get rid Of It

  • Posted on Nov. 7, 2023
  • Health
  • Views 75

Approximately 80-95% of women are familiar with what cellulite is. This is a rather unpleasant cosmetic problem that can significantly reduce self-esteem and quickly become the cause of serious complexes. Because of cellulite, many women try not to appear in a swimsuit, short skirts, and dresses, and often even avoid sexual activity, which negatively affects relationships. Today, there are many methods to get rid of cellulite - from traditional medicine methods to surgical intervention. More on this later in the article.

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What Is Cellulite?

Cellulite is a cosmetic defect that is accompanied by the formation of lumpy skin. In everyday life, it is usually called “orange peel”. The skin is attached to the muscles by connective tissue fibers. If the fat layer increases, it begins to put pressure on the skin and makes it bulge. However, the connective tissue does not stretch as easily, and depressions form at the attachment points, and tubercles form around them.

Main Areas of Cellulite on the Body

Cellulite can form in any part of the body where there is an accumulation of fatty tissue. However, some areas are most susceptible to this process. Among them are the outer and back surfaces of the thighs, buttocks, and abdomen. Cellulite is less common in the chest area, on the arms above the elbow, and on other parts of the body.

Physical Activity in the Fight Against Cellulite

Physical activity, a healthy diet, and a lack of stress will help reduce the appearance of cellulite, but will not necessarily get rid of it completely. The fact is that, even with a decrease in volume, the fibrous tissue that has already grown on the swollen adipocytes will not go away. This means that unevenness on the skin will remain, although it will become less noticeable.

Creams and Massages in the Fight Against Cellulite

All these types of therapy are designed to increase microcirculation, relieve swelling, and improve skin elasticity. However, their effectiveness has not been proven. Scientists doubt that creams can penetrate deep into the skin to fix anything there. Nutritional supplements have little effect and in some cases even lead to weight gain.

Among the types of massage, hardware LPG with a combination of vacuum and massage rollers has at least some positive effects. You can also try a special anti-cellulite massage, for example, using Lifehacker’s instructions. Keep in mind that none of these techniques will help get rid of fibrous tissue. Therefore, if you want to cure cellulite quickly and for sure, you should contact a cosmetologist or plastic surgeon.

Forecast and Prevention of Cellulite

Getting rid of cellulite is not easy, and the effectiveness of a set of measures to combat the defect directly depends on how soon a person begins to use them. The first noticeable results may appear only after a few months. The basis of cellulite prevention is a healthy lifestyle. Despite the fact that the defect can also appear in physically active women, its further development is influenced by factors such as lack of regular sports training, poor nutrition, tense emotional state, and lack of sleep.

Tips to Fight Cellulite

The development of cellulite is indirectly related to the condition of adipose tissue: the more it grows, the more pronounced the defect is. However, products aimed at combating fat can worsen the condition of the skin. Here are three main points in preventing and combating cellulite:

  • Maintaining a healthy weight. Healthy methods of losing weight - balanced nutrition, and regular exercise - also have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin.
  • Improving blood circulation and lymph flow. To reduce the severity of cellulite and stop its further development, doctors recommend improving local blood circulation and reducing tissue swelling - massage and sports training are suitable for this.
  • Skin Treatments. Anti-cellulite creams and wraps for home or salon are used to nourish the skin and make it more elastic. Such procedures are effective only with an integrated approach to the fight against cellulite.

Today, there are many methods to quickly get rid of cellulite. Both folk and traditional medicine promise a good effect, however, it should be remembered that it is impossible to quickly get rid of cellulite using a conservative method.

What Can I Do to Make Cellulite Go Away Forever?

First, you need to choose a therapy that is right for you. This can be one procedure or a whole set of measures: diet, exercise, or a combination of several procedures, such as laser, mesotherapy, LPG massage, or others. Love yourself in any way!

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