Expert Advice From a Health Coach on How to Relieve Low Back Pain.

  • Posted on Nov. 7, 2023
  • Health
  • Views 57

Your life has become entwined with daily discomfort because of regular lower back pain? It’s a common problem among office workers and drivers that affects their routine and general well-being. Research statistics show the overwhelming prevalence of back pain, affecting 80% of adults in their lifetime and up to 20% in any given year. You are not alone – however, neglecting the Aussies may lead to severe injuries. 

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Consulting a physical therapist, doing sports, reducing painful activities, and even changing your lifestyle are all good ideas – but not so easy and quick. The first thing to bring into your life is gentle movement, say the experts. Here is how to introduce such a change. 

Move More, but Make it Gently

Do you feel a constant ache building up over time, altering your activities, especially in the morning? It stops you from enjoying simple things, like playing with your dog or going for a morning run. Sitting more and hunching over throughout the day easily becomes routine because of our passive lifestyle.

By not moving, your back becomes stiffer, and you get hyper-focused on the pain. This makes you scared to move, which becomes a never-ending cycle. Although avoiding pain seems right, not moving actually makes the pain worse over time.

Movement is a big part of healing. Starting with small, gentle movements can help without making the bottom back pain worse. Simply walking, doing more house chores and easy gymnastics are enough for the first time. 

You can also address a physical therapist or a personal trainer who will guide you in exercises that are right for you. However, there are other factors of the back health to consider. 

Home Treatments for Back Pain

Improve Flexibility

Try gentle stretches before getting out of bed. Simple moves such as pulling your knees into your chest or doing a 'Cat-Cow' yoga exercise can help limber up your spine. Focus on stretching your hip flexors and hamstrings, especially if you've been sitting for extended periods.


Evaluate your posture while standing, working, and even sitting. Using a standing desk or investing in a supportive chair can make a significant difference. The tight posture is coming at any moment of your life, not only while sitting or working. Review your kitchen space, sofas, and bed condition.

Also, take a look at your mattress. Old materials may lead to constant back misalignment during the whole night. A sagging or unsupportive mattress could contribute to your discomfort.

Work on General Strength

Strengthen your core muscles through activities like Pilates, yoga, or swimming. Simple daily exercises, even a brief plank, can help you gradually build strength. Work on improving the core muscles, and lower back pain will disappear. 

Remember, the pain isn't your foe but a guide. It's signaling that your body needs attention, and by heeding its call, you can make transformative changes to alleviate discomfort. Start with what feels comfortable and build from there. With gradual changes in your lifestyle, you can engage in activities that nurture your well-being, empower healing, and pave the way to a more comfortable, pain-free lifestyle.

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